Command-line Usage#

Axiom is designed to be used on the command line as part of a larger workflow.

All entrypoints to the system are driven through the axiom command.

axiom -h


The validate subcommand will validate a data file against a defined metadata specification. By default, the command will return a non-zero exit status if the file does not meet the specification, however, a report can be generated in text format by adding the --report flag with a path at which to write the report.

axiom validate -h

Example usage:

axiom validate /path/to/specification.json /path/to/ --report report.txt

Convert CF#

The convert_cf subcommand will convert the CF Conventions Standard Name Table (in XML format) into an Axiom schema.

axiom convert_cf cf-standard-name-table.xml cf.json

Convert CORDEX#

The convert_cordex subcommand will convert a CORDEX attribute CSV (from CCAM) into an Axiom schema.

axiom convert_cordex codex_var_info_day.csv cordex-day.json