Quality Assurance#

Axiom features a simple quality assurance (QA) module for testing data integrity.

Checking timeseries continuity#

axiom qa-timeseries -h
usage: axiom qa-timeseries [-h] [--errors] path schema start_year end_year output_filepath

positional arguments:
    path             Globbable path with {variable} and {year} placeholders (use quotes).
    schema           Schema name or path from which to load variables.
    start_year       Start year.
    end_year         End year.
    output_filepath  Output filepath for report.

    -h, --help       show this help message and exit
    --errors         Output only errors.

Example usage:

axiom qa-timeseries '/g/data/.../v1/1hr/{variable}/{variable}*_{year}*.nc' CORDEX 1980 2020 qa-1hr.csv --errors