
Validating metadata is performed using either the command-line utility or using the Axiom Python library as part of your own Python code.

Using the Command Line#

See Command Line Usage

Using Python#

import axiom.validate as av
import axiom.utilities as au
import xarray as xr

# Load the schema
schema = au.load_schema_json('schema.json')

# Create a validator
v = av.Validator(schema=schema)
# Note, you can also use av.Validator('schema.json') and save the above step.

# Load metadata, multiple options...

# Option 1 - metadata.json file
metadata = au.load_metadata_json('metadata.json')

# Option 2 - Extract from xarray.Dataset
ds = xr.open_dataset('')
metadata = au.extract_metadata(ds)

# Validate the metadata against the schema (returns True/False)

# Or do something with the pass/failure
if v.is_valid:
    print('Data meets specification.')

    # Errors are stored as an attribute
    for e in v.errors:
        # Do something with the error.

A report can also be generated for the validation instance, see Reporting